Intersection of Convex Polygons
2つの凸多角形 \(P = (v_1, v_2, ..., v_N)\), \(Q = (w_1, w_2, ..., w_M)\) の交差判定を行う。
\(O(N + M)\)
def dot3(O, A, B):
ox, oy = O; ax, ay = A; bx, by = B
return (ax - ox) * (bx - ox) + (ay - oy) * (by - oy)
def cross3(O, A, B):
ox, oy = O; ax, ay = A; bx, by = B
return (ax - ox) * (by - oy) - (bx - ox) * (ay - oy)
def dist2(A, B):
ax, ay = A; bx, by = B
return (ax - bx) ** 2 + (ay - by) ** 2
def is_intersection(P0, P1, Q0, Q1):
C0 = cross3(P0, P1, Q0)
C1 = cross3(P0, P1, Q1)
if C0 == C1 == 0:
E0 = dot3(P0, P1, Q0)
E1 = dot3(P0, P1, Q1)
if not E0 < E1:
E0, E1 = E1, E0
return 0 <= E1 and E0 <= dist2(P0, P1)
D0 = cross3(Q0, Q1, P0)
D1 = cross3(Q0, Q1, P1)
return C0 * C1 <= 0 and D0 * D1 <= 0
def line_cross_point(P0, P1, Q0, Q1):
x0, y0 = P0; x1, y1 = P1
x2, y2 = Q0; x3, y3 = Q1
dx0 = x1 - x0; dy0 = y1 - y0
dx1 = x3 - x2; dy1 = y3 - y2
s = (y0-y2)*dx1 - (x0-x2)*dy1
sm = dx0*dy1 - dy0*dx1
return (x0 + s*dx0/sm, y0 + s*dy0/sm) if s != 0 else (x0, y0)
# ps, qs: a polygon (counter-clockwise)
def convex_polygons_intersection(ps, qs):
pl = len(ps); ql = len(qs)
i = j = 0
while (i < pl or j < ql) and (i < 2*pl) and (j < 2*ql):
px0, py0 = ps0 = ps[(i-1)%pl]; px1, py1 = ps1 = ps[i%pl]
qx0, qy0 = qs0 = qs[(j-1)%ql]; qx1, qy1 = qs1 = qs[j%ql]
if is_intersection(ps0, ps1, qs0, qs1):
return 1
ax = px1 - px0; ay = py1 - py0
bx = qx1 - qx0; by = qy1 - qy0
v = (ax*by - bx*ay)
va = cross3(qs0, qs1, ps1)
vb = cross3(ps0, ps1, qs1)
if v == 0 and va < 0 and vb < 0:
return 0
if v == 0 and va == 0 and vb == 0:
i += 1
elif v >= 0:
if vb > 0:
i += 1
j += 1
if va > 0:
j += 1
i += 1
return 0
ps = [(0, 0), (1, -1), (4, 2), (3, 3)]
qs0 = [(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)]
qs1 = [(0, 2), (-2, 0), (-1, -1), (1, 1)]
qs2 = [(10, 10), (-10, 10), (-10, -10), (10, -10)]
print(convex_polygons_intersection(ps, qs0))
# => "1"
print(convex_polygons_intersection(ps, qs1))
# => "1"
print(convex_polygons_intersection(ps, qs2))
# => "0"
# ps, qs: a polygon (counter-clockwise)
def convex_polygons_intersection_points(ps, qs):
pl = len(ps); ql = len(qs)
R = []
i = j = 0
i2 = j2 = 0
mode = 0
while (i2 < pl or j2 < ql) and (i2 < 2*pl) and (j2 < 2*ql):
px0, py0 = ps0 = ps[(i-1)%pl]; px1, py1 = ps1 = ps[i%pl]
qx0, qy0 = qs0 = qs[(j-1)%ql]; qx1, qy1 = qs1 = qs[j%ql]
ax = px1 - px0; ay = py1 - py0
bx = qx1 - qx0; by = qy1 - qy0
v = (ax*by - bx*ay)
va = cross3(qs0, qs1, ps1)
vb = cross3(ps0, ps1, qs1)
if is_intersection(ps0, ps1, qs0, qs1):
if not R:
i2 = 0; j2 = 0
if va > 0:
mode = 1
elif vb > 0:
mode = 2
R.append(line_cross_point(ps0, ps1, qs0, qs1))
if v == 0 and va < 0 and vb < 0:
if v == 0 and va == 0 and vb == 0:
if mode == 1:
j += 1; j2 += 1
i += 1; i2 += 1
elif (ax*by - bx*ay) >= 0:
if vb > 0:
i += 1; i2 += 1
j += 1; j2 += 1
if va > 0:
j += 1; j2 += 1
i += 1; i2 += 1
return R
ps = [(10, 0), (0, 10), (-10, 0), (0, -10)]
qs = [(8, 8), (-10, -3), (8, -8)]
for x, y in convex_polygons_intersection_points(ps, qs):
print("%.03f %.03f" % (x, y))
# =>
# 8.000 -2.000
# 8.000 2.000
# 4.276 5.724
# -8.138 -1.862
# -5.846 -4.154
# 3.304 -6.696
O’Rourke, Joseph, et al. "A new linear algorithm for intersecting convex polygons." Computer Graphics and Image Processing 19.4 (1982): 384-391.
O’rourke, Joseph. Computational geometry in C. Cambridge university press, 1998.